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Rainbow Friends

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What is your favorite genre on Roblox? If you are looking for a horror project, here is something thrilling you should not miss. Rainbow Friends is an adventure crafted specially for horror enthusiasts. Even if your experience in this genre is vast, we bet you will get a new decent portion of thrills and jumscares in this new story. So let’s delve a bit deeper into it? You start in a crowded bus that is on the way to the Odd World. But suddenly something weird happened – everyone is kidnapped by some unknown power. And you remain in this unfamiliar environment absolutely alone. Now you need to explore this new location and find an exit. But soon you will discover that this is not going to be so easy.

Watch the monsters!

This place is a home to a bunch of strange creatures. These look like cartoonish personages – colorful and funny. But be careful and do not approach them! These are evil monsters who hunt after everybody who dares to step on their territory. You must run away from them! But before you succeed and each rainbow friend has a unique power and will use it to capture you. Blue is a creature who will pursue you without a stop, you can only hide from him to mislead the follower. Green comes with super long arms – make sure you are out of his reach. The menacing Orange must be fed well to prevent him from using his teeth otherwise. And Purple is a real danger as it lurks in the vents. Develop a skillful strategy so that none of them can do anything against you!

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